The Source of Innovative Features and Gameplay in Slots

April 30, 2015

Other Editorials

One of the things that's really important about the advancement of the online slots industry is that new games have to come out on a regular basis. This gives players novelty and helps a casino or a software company to compete better with others in the industry. These new games can't really just be rehashed versions of previous games, however, so innovative features and gameplay are necessary. But how can companies just keep coming up with ideas for new features? Shouldn't there be a limited number of features that can be made for slots? What happens when that limit is reached?

Understanding the source of innovation in the slots world is really important if you want to be able to answer questions like these. The fact of the matter is that you have to start with what makes a game unique in terms of theme and characters before you start thinking about features. You should start with a game and build a feature that makes sense instead of trying to come up with a feature first and building a game around it (though that can be done well in the occasional exception to the rule).

Once you understand the theme of a game and the characters that will be in it, then you can think about the types of things those characters would be doing in that game world. This is where the source of new features can come up very easily. All developers have to do at this point in the process is build it out in a way that is easy to play from a video slot perspective since players don't want bonus rounds and other features that are too difficult to play. With this together, the features basically write themselves.

You'll find tons of different themes for slots, and more themes are coming out on a regular basis since so many games are based on new forms of media like television shows, movies, books, video games and more. Along these lines, there are gold mines of opportunity just waiting to be taken advantage of when it comes to building up new features and ideas. It's a pretty cool way to go about this process because it guarantees great games and awesome gameplay where the feature itself fits into the theme of the game in a way that makes sense.

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