Mapping Out Progressive Jackpots for Better Wins

April 24, 2015

Other Editorials

In the online slots world, progressive jackpots offer the biggest prizes of all. Unfortunately, they also hit the least often of all other prizes. However, this is a bit of a blessing in disguise if you know how to leverage this fact to always be shooting for the best progressive jackpots available. Using a technique that involves mapping out common progressive jackpots, you can really maximize your payout rates in a major way. This takes a little bit of effort and a little bit of practice, but it's worth it if you're the type of player who likes having the odds on your side as much as possible.

The first thing you're going to want to do with this technique is make a short list of your favorite six to ten progressive jackpot games. Having more games will give you more variety to choose from and better chances of finding great deals, but it'll also put you in a position where you have to do more work to make this method work. You'll want to use a spreadsheet with one column for the name of the progressives themselves, and you can use something free like Google Docs if you need to.

Next up, you're going to find the seed value or starting value for each of the progressive jackpots and put them in the next column. This starting value is really important to know because of the comparison we're going to do. Finally, the third column will have the current sizes of the jackpots for all of the games on your list, and you'll need to fill this column up every time you start a new session. The basic idea here is that you want to compare the second and third columns to find the best deal.

What a lot of people do is start off by simply looking for the largest jackpot value. However, this isn't really the right way to go about things. Instead, look for the jackpot that's the largest relative to the starting value for that payout. A starting jackpot of $100,000 with a current value of $500,000 is going to give you a better value overall than a starting jackpot of $1 million with a current value of $1.4 million even though they have both gained $400,000 in value compared to their seed amounts.

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